

: series one -
-- Name: Adam Mytruk
-- Birth date: September 26 1983
-- Birthplace: Winnipeg
-- Current Location: Winnipeg
-- Eye Color: Brown
-- Hair Color: Black
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Libra
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie, I mean I stick enough things in there

: series two -
-- Your heritage: mom-Scottish and Gypsy, dad-Arab and Ukainian, me-Mutt
-- The shoes you wore today: Black dress shoes man I'm styling
-- Your hair: My hair I have no way to the explain the chaos that is and can be m,y hair it's like sort of spiked sort of slicked
-- Your eyes: how exactly do you wear your eyes mine are in the upper half of my face as I hope your are
-- Your weakness?: Dreaming to much not wanting to live in the reality of the situation
-- Your fears: being abandoned, making the wrong choices, being left out
-- Your perfect pizza: Bacon and Italin sausage
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: get into vfs and be able to work in the film industry or become a wrestler both would be cool

: series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aim: I'll change that to msn and say "I'm bored"
-- Your thoughts first waking up: time to go call Ian find out whats happening to tonight or if it's early in the morning time to go on the computer say hi to Dani
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Voice
-- Your best physical feature: I have no idea I can't say anything really I don't know I guess I'm nice
-- Your bedtime: 10-11am
-- Your greatest fear: being left behind losing everything
-- Your greatest accomplishment: being able to make someone laugh
-- Your most missed memory: lots of things, I don't know I'd say life before Amanda when I had all my friends and life was bliss

: series four - you prefer
-- Pepsi or coke: Pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King:Mcdonalds yummm triple cheeseburger
-- Single or group dates: I like one on one when it comes to dates, I've really never had any experience when it comes to group dating anyway
-- Adidas or nike: Can I say Army since I'm writng this I guess I can woot!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla hate chocolate chocolate is the devil
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Mochacino
--Bras or Panties: ummmmm I just realized this question doesn't make sense as it's obvisously aimed at a girl yet girls wear both it's not really a choice between the 2 for a girl so she can't be like I prefer bras on my ass or the other way around so why oh why is this question even here I must make an ode to heather and throw turkey at this survey

: series five - do you
-- Smoke: Ha.
-- Cuss: I hope no one out there blames me for my fucking casual swearing fuck cause fuck what I would do to them fuck fuck shit fuck.
-- Take a shower everyday: Everyday unless I'm in a super hurry
-- Have a crush(es): I'm moving so I'm not really interested in the girls right now of course I have dreams but it would be too hard on me now to date anyone
-- who are they: boobs
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes
-- Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
-- Love him/her: n/a
-- Want to go to college: yes.
-- Like high school: first 3 years were great last year sucked as all my friends had graduated
-- Want to get married: why? I'm not religous I don't see the point it's just a ceremony but if forced sure why not
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: no I hunt but fuck it
-- Believe in yourself: I doubt my abilities, always
-- Get motion sickness: no never thats my brothers thing
-- Think you're attractive: I wish it would make everything so much easier
-- Think you're a health freak: hell no, unless you consider Mcdonalds healthy
-- Get along with your parents: depends on the day and the angle of the sun
-- Like thunderstorms: I would rather have a snowstorm but sure why the fuck not
-- Play an instrument: I have no musical talent what so ever.

: series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: I have yes but in tiny quanities like sips when I was like, as of now I'm straight edge till the day I die
-- Smoke(d): no
-- Done a drug: asprin only.
-- Have Sex: no straight edge
-- Made Out:no first month in 3 years I haven't
-- Go on a date: no.
-- Go to the mall?: yes still hate it though
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no.
-- Eaten sushi: no
-- Been on stage: only the stage of life my friend only the stage of life
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: no.
-- Made homemade cookies: no.
-- Been in love: no.
-- Gone skinny dipping: fuck no.
-- Dyed your hair: yes... black.
-- Stolen anything: no

: series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
-- If so, was it mixed company: how can you played a naked game alone oh you mean was it in the company of only guys or guys and girls I see..........the guys thing sounds like fun I should try that
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Straight edge
-- Been caught "doing something": I must agree with Phil here everyday I am caught doing something
-- Been called a tease: only by my cock.......................oops shouldn't not have said that
-- Gotten beaten up: years and year ago
-- Shoplifted: no
-- If so, did you get caught: n/a
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Long, long time ago I realized the error of my ways and now I fit in to what is "rebel" I'm comfortable with that fact

: series eight - the future
-- Age you hope to be married: hope not to be married but maybe, not before 30
-- Numbers and Names of Children:Loki and Odin if children be had aI hate children though as they are to me just little stupid people and I hate stupid people
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding: non-existant
-- How do you want to die: not in a hospital so some young security can stare at my body fuck no *shiver* I want to die in bed at home
-- Where you want to go to college: Vfs
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: I'm not going to go with the samrt ass answer and say smart or old or something I'm going to say a cameraman or a movie editor
-- What country would you most like to visit: Japan

: series nine - opposite sex
-- Best eye color? Blue
-- Best hair color? Red
-- Short or long hair?: really depends on the girl
-- Best height: I don't know I've had one girlfriend who was taller than me I was fine with that although I have to say maybe a little shorter
-- Best weight: does not matter.
-- Best articles of clothing: fishnets turn me on oh and boots
-- Best first date location: river walk at the forks
-- Best first kiss location: anywhere as long as it's a good memory later

: series ten - number of
-- Number of boyfriends you've had: 0... does Dave count?.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0 I r teh coolest
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 4
-- Number of CDs that I own: over 100
-- Number of piercings: 0
-- Number of tattoos: 0
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: I know it has I just can't remember why
-- Number of scars on my body: 2 I think
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: 3

Not Adam -



que sera

Not Adam -


I have decided to fuck logic. I will have my dreams I will fight for them every last one until I have them all or until.........I don't know but, fuck I can't sit back here and watch everything die. I want things and I'm going to try to get them and ilogical and stupid as that might sound I will do it I will do everything no matter what the distance, no matter what the cost. I need to be happy and I need to live my dreams to be happy to get away from this rut and really live.

Not Adam -


this post to my faithful reader Jasmin. Who I forgot to include in my faithful reader section of a couple posts ago if I forgot any others just leave me a message in the guestbook and you will get a post all your own. Now for Jasmin's post Jasmin is a girl I have known for awhile she is quite the good friend as well as quite the good ex girlfriend as she doesn't hate me I hope although things might have change after leaving her out of my post I hope to fix that hatred in this post o' love. Jasmin I bow to you and your reading of my ever boring and pointless site. Jasmin is something or other and also an all impostant supervisor at ipsos I job she loves I confused as to why since ipsos is the devil is the disguise of a phone in the disguise of some rude american on the end of the phone who actually wants to talk about deordant for half a freaking hour. Rant about ipsos, rant about ipsos no fight the urge must fight the urge ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it hurts ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fighting the ipsos devil inside I think I have post ipsos syndrome ok something fuck thinking of that place makes me shiver and Jasmin is the face of all that is evil ipsos and ex fear Jasmin oh fear Jasmin for she will only bring pain and death down on a world which is already dead. FEAR HER I SAY FEAR HER FOR SHE IS SATAN COME TO COLLECT YOUR OPINIONS THAT SHE USES TO COLLECT AN ARMY AND FIND OUR WEAKNESSES. shit I think she behind me about to shut me up got to type really quietly or she'll get me and I don't want to die at the hands of satan. SHIT SHE'S GOT ME NOW I WILL BE FORCED ON TO THE PHONE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE SHIT NO...........................................NO!....................................................I WON'T DO i WILL NOT GO ON DEO...................................................................................................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.................................................................NO ASI PLEASE.................................................................................................MOMMY!.....................MOMMY!...............................IS THERE REALLY A GOD.....................................................................................................................................HERE ME NOW JASMIN IS THE PUREST FORM OF EVIL WATCH OUT ALL ESPECIALLY SHAYNE AS YOU ARE NEXT ..............................................................................*COUGH**COUGH*............................................................................................................................................

Not Adam -


that last post is figuritive all it really needs to say is que sera

Not Adam -


Que Sera

Not Adam -


I've been quite unimpressive when it comes to posting as of late so I'm going to try to make it up to all of my faithful readers ha all (Dani, Heather and A.J). Well sorry to my three faithful readers

I needed it this way.
I fucking wanted it.
I fucking needed it.
I wanted it this way.
I needed it this way.
I wanted it.
I needed it.
I want it.
I fucking wanted it.
I needed it.
I wanted it.
I fucking needed it this way.
I fucking wanted it.
I needed it.
I wanted it.
I need it.
I want it.

I wouldn't die would you be my savior?
I wouldn't die would you be my kind?
Nothing's dead in my bed. In my..
I wouldn't die would you be my savior?
I wouldn't die would you be my kind?
Nothing's dead in my bed. In my..

I raise the dead.

Love glassjaw's lyrics no band in my opinion puts more emotion into there lyrics.

I have a problem I hope too much and it gets me down when I realize my hope is miss placed. This weekend I realized I'm hoping and dreaming for something that has about 1% chance of happening. I mean the dreams and the hope is great to have but, when it all comes down to it I find that I really would like my hopes and dreams to come true. I would love for it all to happen the way I see it but, in my mind and just can find a way to where I want it to be. hmmmm I wonder if I'm being dilluted enough so people don't know what I'm talking about thats what I'm going for anyway. I have this on my mind all the time hoping and dreaming it will come to be. I sit there and I think and maybe I should be more logical and look at it and realize that no matter how hard I hope and how hard I try it might never happen. I also begin to think I should do more to make things happen the way I dream but, I have no balls and no idea what I can do to make it happen. I'm reminded of a quote "I realize holding hands is so powerless". I sit there thinking just do it take all the steps necessary to make your dreams come true step on everybodies toes just get your shit done make yourself happy but, my head stops me and wags it's finger and says "Adam if you go forward completely you risk losing everything" and I stop and realize my head is right but my heart still nags me. once again I'm reminded of glassjaw lyrics.

It's the last stretch
And my heart.. my heart stays in the lead
And we see first, second behind my heart is my mind
Third behind my mind is my body.
Fourth behind my body is my soul
And my heart stays in the lead.

This lyric reminds that no matter what my heart will always be ahead of my mind. it just seems I can't keep both of them happy and it's tearing me apart. wow I'm being angsty I hope this isn't coming off as whinny to anyone I just needed to get shit off my chest with out giving away too much what I'm thinking. I will act eventually and if it will work out the way I dream or not is anyone's guess.

Que Sera

Not Adam -


I first went and watched RVD Vs. Sabu in a strecher match, a match that will defintely fall into my top 10, Than I called Eric this is around 6 I went to his house grabbed money off of him and ran to a convenience store for a coke and chips. Than I came back to Eric's house he was in the shower so I hung with Eric's parents for a bit, Than Eric and I went downstairs and watched the end of Smackdown before everyone arrived. Than everyone arrived and than all the guys passed around the controller to GTA vice city we all decided to go on rampages piss off the police and steal cars which is always fun. Eric than started Suspiria this is when the party started to suck and I got pissed. Everyone knew that eric had been waiting to see this movie for over half a year and saved it to halloweeen to make it special but would they shut up, NO! they were doing things like reading the credits out at the beginning of the movie screaming when it was raining debating what shadows look like, so I turn to eric and he shakes his head I say I'm not letting them ruin this movie for us I'm going downstairs, he said he would have loved to join me but he couldn't be a good host and leaving everyone upstairs. Finally the girls decided to shut off the movie cause it was boring so I'm going over to eirc's tonight to watch the movie in silence with people who can shut the fuck up! So I spent Eric's party downstairs alone playing video games. now on to goth night.

I got to goth night to find Shanye and Dave downstairs listening to the live horrible death metal, I went upstairs to find to my surprise the lost bean the one I haven't seen in over half a year I wish it had been quieter so we could talk he was chilling with a girl he met though livejournal(Sean's last 5 girlfriends he's met on the net I don't understand how or why he does it although he did once say to me he couldn't deal with the bullshit that is a close relationship I still don't understand that comment). anyway I than hung out at our table talked to the group I came with obvisously tried to talk to my friend Scott but he was much too fucked on acid to even converse normally so I gave that up as a lost cause. anyway, there was a bunch of crazy shit at hellnight two goth girls making out right behind me and all of us at the table trying as hard as we could not to stare and I guy who had to be over 7 foot as I came up to just under his shoulder in a fur suit. At about 1am we went downstairs to see a friend of ours band they sucked balls so I went back upstairs where I sat alone for a bit and drank coke and than at 2:30am it was over A.J, Ian, Dave and I ended up at perkins Dave had to get up in 2 hours and it was all nice and done pretty awesome night

Not Adam -


It's time for a real update I plan to do one tonight when I get home from Kaos and Eric party to rant about how I had more fun during the night than you sad fools. Tonight is shaping up to be real sweet first to Eric's Halloween/Birthday party which is a yearly tradition and always a lot of fun lots of memorable things have happened at the Halloween party like us trying to kill Sean with fire no I will not explain the story if you really care ask. Also what comes from these parties lots of good times, lots of coke, lots of good memories, LOTS OF FUCKING AWESOME VIDEO GAMES. I was disappointed when I found out from Eric that the Frank and the Beans won't be rearing it's huge ugly head as Vince and Sean are not showing. Sean is no surprise as we haven't seen him since Eric's last party spring break, he's been our friend for so many years and we are trying as hard as we can to hang on to him it just doesn't seem to be working to well. He kind of had a falling out with us when he came to Eric's party stoned and since than we haven't seen him, we do want to see just not well he's stoned. Vince is a completely different story as everyone and Vince is fine except for Eric and Vince. Vince ain't happy that Eric is dating his old girlfriend and he thus not coming out as much as he used to I haven't seen him since my birthday(september 26). But still the party should be fun with GTA Vice city to play as well as animal crossing and just hanging with my boys. Plus we will be watching Suspiria which is we have been told the scarest movie ever we have been saving it especially for Halloween. Than from the party I am heading to the Kaos for Hellnight one floor death metal bands other floor Dj Evilbastard and the industrial tunes I figure I'll spend all night upstairs cause I don't really like death metal and local Death Metal*shudder* but who knows there might be a mosh pit downstairs and if so I'm fucking there. It seems like a weird group thats going tonight though and I don't know hows that is going to go. It's A.j, Patrick, Jasmin, Shanye(maybe), Dave, Ian and I now A.j had never met anyone except Ian, Dave and I. Patrick is me and Dave's friend who hates the music they play at Kaos. Jasmin and Shayne are Ian, Dave and our firends I mean I'm friends with everyone so I don't care one way or another. I hope to run into Scott, Amber, Marty and Don from Ipsos again that would be sweet. I figure it will be a super good time cause normal goth night rules and this is like super goth night.

My Costume tonight which is The Undertaker of WWF fame in the 1980s is looking pretty good the hats a little big but, whats a boy supposed to do the killer in me is the killer in you my love. I wish I could some how rig it so I had entrance music tonight that would be slick. I'm probably going to head over to's Eric's around 3pm or something to help set up.

well thats all for now as there will be a super update later.

Not Adam -


who you fucking now
I slice my wrist, to sign my name with.
And when you can't compete with the joneses you gun 'em
all down, even the father.
You fucking whore.
Shut up and swallow my pride for me.
Move closer, drive farther.
So just suck on the end of this dick that cums lead,
But first I'm coming for you all.

It's ladies night at the bar but she smokes a man's cigar.
I guess she's dying.
Oh well.
I don't give a fuck about your dignity.
That's the bastard in me.

I know a girl who sells herself around,
and I'm sure one day she'll sign autographs in your town.

"Who you fucking now?" (x2)

Shut up and swallow my pride for me.
Move closer, drive farther.
So just suck on the end of this dick that cums lead,
I'll be coming for you all.

As I'm looking back into my diary,
What makes me say those things?
What causes my laughter at another's disaster?
It's the bastard in me.

You fucking whore.

I know a girl who sells herself around,
and I'm sure one day she'll sign autographs in your town.

Who you fucking now?
You fucking live in shit.
You live in shit, you mean shit.
Fucking shit.
And you're such a fucking whore.

I strangled myself?
I guess, I guess.
I fucked myself?
I guess, I guess.
I strangled myself,
I mean it, fucking whore.

You live in shit.
And you will eat your own way out.
And I... I am too fly and shy
Too fly and hi..
like no other guys.
Too fly and shy just for you.
I'm too fly and shy, and I'm like no other guy.
I'm too fly and shy just for you.

I'll mark you all.

I know a girl who sells herself around,
and I'm sure one day she'll sign autographs in your town.

(I hate you.)

Who you fucking now?
You're shit, and you live in shit.
I said who you fucking now,
Who are you fucking now

More glassjaw once again doesn't suit my mood but I love those lyrics will update in like half and hour

Not Adam -


Fraudulent miracles make miracles sinches
The rice paper princess gets two for her flinches.

(Fuck you.)

In the midst of the perfection,
The rain on the parade made this crowning day the horns on the hood of the saint.

(Fuck you.)

"But never the two shall meet,"
Said the tiger to its greatest fan.
"The amount of love you wish to give is more than I can stand".

"And now you leave me in defeat.
Leave me a battered, broken man".
"The amount of love you wish to give is more than I can stand".

Now I have you where I want you.
I know that you are listening.
This is my chance to tell you everything.

(Fuck you.)

My chance to tell you I love you, but I've waited to long,
And now the record's over.
Now the record's over.

(Fuck you again.)

Thats Glassjaw off there first album everything you ever wanted to know about silence it's simply called the secret song. I don't know why I put it up here it doesn't really show my mood or anything cause it's a sad song and I'm still amazingly happy. I just got home from work so I'm going to shower I promise a full update tomorrow on my shitty/great day but now to clean myself.

Not Adam -


Suck on the end of this dick that cums lead

Not Adam -


Embody me with your body.

Not Adam -


first of all I've been forced by anal people to source where my last quote is from it's from the 14th book of the Drizzt series sea of swords the first entry from that book in drizzts diary.

Not Adam -


That seems such a self-evident thing- that I, that we are alive- and yet, too often, I fear, we easily forget the importance of that simple fact. It is so easy to forget that you truly are alive, or at least, to appreciate that you are truly alive., that every sunrise is yours to view and every sunset is yours to enjoy. and all those hours in between and those hours after dusk are yours to make of what you will. It is easy to miss the possibility that every person who crosses your path can become an event and a memory good or bad to fill in the hours with experience instead of tedium, to break the monotony of the passing moments. Those wasted moments those hours of sameness of routine are the enemy I say are little stretches of death within the moments of life.

Not Adam -


Sorry about the lateness of the update been too busy with work and sleep. I have many things to speak about, like the fact that I am currently as happy as I've ever been which is a good thing. I actually think I'll go in a bit of detail here as to why I'm so happy. I met an amazing person that is currently making me quite happy I have no idea where this is going to go and I really don't care I'm juts going along for the ride which is turning out to be alot of amazing fun I look forward to every new twist * slight hint. So what have been doing since we last talked well there was the friday where I go to hang with th e to the r to the i to the c. We watched Texas chainsaw Massacre 2. I want to go into how bad this movie was I will probably spoil it for you all it there but, you'll thank me later

Texas Chainsaw was a brain numbing experience here's the plot: The main bad guy is killing people to put them in his chilli to win the local chilli cook off. His 2 sons are one who can't speak walks with a hunch and cuts off peoples faces to wear them as a masks, his other son is a guy who is a hippy who has no brain and it's place has a steel plate that he uses a hot clotheshanger to pick flesh off his plate and eat it. they are being pursued by a radio dj who heard the first killing and an insane Dennis Hopper who has chainsaws strapped over his body. there is then a big lightsaber like chainsaw battle and everyone dies except for the radio dj who ends up with leatherfaces chainsaw and dances with it thats how the movie ends. After the movie I decided to go cry. on a scale of 0 to 10 I give it zero although it isn't a move I'll easily forget.

Lets skip saturday because it sucked and all I did on saturday was look forward to sunday and get no sleep cause I was looking forward to sunday. whats sunday you ask I'm about to get into that oh impatient one.


On sunday I got to call a amazing person I met by complete fluke on soulseek. Her name is Dani and she is who I mentioned up top there in the first pagagraph. Anyway I spent all saturday looking forward to calling because I was really curious how it would come out. It ended up being great we talked for just over 2 hours and I thought it went very very well. Although I think as always I rambled too much I was quite the nervous indivual and because of that couldn't seem to shut my damn yap. But, all that aside I think it went very well. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this all goes and the next phone call. I would really like to visit her I think that could be a really fun time. There are a lot of things I'm hoping for this. I would say more but I still want to keep some to myself.

and now it's Monday and my monday night raw boycott starts now. I don't have anything else to add except

Thanks for the mood Dani

Not Adam -


Not Adam -


I've been told to Grammar and spell check these when I finish with them but, I figure fuck it I don't have the fucking motherfucking time fuck. fuck this whole fuck shit suck site acutally I think I'm going to stop my casual swearing now for the good of all. acutally fuck that and fuck all I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I thought it was quite funny at the time so I thought it bared repeating so here we go, I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me. I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.I acutually want to repeat something here that I said to friend of mine at work when I was walking out the door I was listening to KMFDM and I said to the guy you know the columbine shooters there favorite KMFDM song was stray bullet and mine is Fuck me what does that tell you about the difference between the columbine shooters and me.

Anyway I'm done that now just thought it would be funny in it ludacrisy, it's like Eric's story that was I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. I am the very model of ADD. and etc.

ok now I'm ready for a real post or am I?

Ok now I am last night fucking rocked everything is going so fucking well in my life I have never been this happy I can't stop smiling. I feel like such a ding bat at Kaos last night just sitting there smiling to my self everyonce and awhile when I had a pretty thought. Most of the pretty thoughts came back to an envelope I had with me. anyway Adam danced and was made fun of for having no rhythm but fuck it I enjoyed myself and thats all that mattered and I looked like a moron which is another always good thing. I danced to Destillat(Vnv Nation Remix) first and the only song I danced to alone I danced to depeche mode(yes it is g4y) and skinny puppy with Jasmin. I was a quite enjoyable night caught up with some old friends from Ipsos and sent a nice email and got a great response and etc. oh and I drank alot of coke. What else to say OH YEAH I FOUND THE ONLY ECW DVD I DON'T HAVE WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!

well this isn't a real post a all it's just me repeating a whole bunch of things to make it look big. oh yeah pretty soon I will probably be signing up for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu I need to get in shape. I was dead tired after dancing all night. I really have nothing else to say.


Not Adam -


Hey Kids what time is it? Oh come on kids don't leave me ou in the cold here what time is it? Ok kids you've really embrassed me now this is my show and your supposed to know what time it is....................SO WHAT TIME IS IT!!!!!!!! Ok kids I'm going to try this one more time and if you don't answer propertly I'm going to bismark all of you WHAT MOTHERFUCKING MOTHERLOVING CUNTFUCKPUSSYDYKES TIME IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok thats it notadam promptly cums on chair and then punches it breaking his hand notadam's a little crazy. for those who don't know a bismark is it's when you cum on someones face and then punch them in the nose and then rub the blood and cum together. anyway on that note new pagagraph.

For those of you who didn't get it it's post itme I hope all of you enjoyed my last post or if you haven't read it yet scroll down to the last post and read it cause it's good ol'fashioned talking about nothing. well last night was a good ol'fun night that involed Dave dying his hair, A.J being an idiot like normal(just joking A.J had to get a shot on you on here sometime). and good old Ian. anyway after dying hair we checked out the applebess I had the new nachos..........hey wait a second I still have more of those................................back with nachos quite a bit happier. Anyway I just had a great no real reason that group is just devolping quite nicely and we have a lot of fun everytime we go out. I'm really glad I added A.J to the mix. We now have inside jokes and shit and it's great. I mean an example would be Ian came to Dave's apartment last night and said yay let me in and dave said you like it when guys come on your face then punch you in the nose and rub it together and Ian responded yeah a Bismark now who else in what other group would have known the name for that it wqs great. and I almost forgot STEVE PERRY I should have been gone. ayway the group is great and makes me quite happy. also, another nice surprise I got a call from Eric in the morning for those of you out of the loop Eric is my best friend I've known him since elementary and currently a girlfriend and school have caused me to see him quite a bit less than I would like too. But, he is interested in doing something just me, him friday and I'm really looking forward. I'm also looking forward to the halloween party and the first reforming of the frank and the beans in ages(frank and the beans is my group from elementary school who are still all friends it's just what we refer to ourselfs as). Anyway Eric has always had the ability to make me laugh like a mad monkey fucker so it's alwyas nice to here from the boy.

Hmmmm what to talk about today I think I'll throw down more lyrics that make me think of things like the lyrics I put up yesterday I'm not going to come out and tell most people whats on my mind which I mentioned in yesterdays post but the song lyrics give a little hint

You don't want to live this way
I see it in your eyes
I hurt you every day
I see it in your eyes
You just want to be loved
I feel it everytime
You don't know what to do
So you run away from me

What can we do to be together?
Is there any chance?
Do we have to die for love or do we love to die?
Will there be a better life in the land so far away?
Is there a place for you and me?
Will we feel our love again?

What can we do to be together?
Is there any chance?
Do we have to die for love or do we love to die?

Please don't ever leave me standing
I don't want to be alone
Don't run away from all your problems
I don't want to be alone
What shall I do, what shall I say?
I don't want to be with you
But I can't live without your love
I can't live without you

What can we do to be together?
Is there any chance?
Do we have to die for love or do we love to die?
Will there be a better life in the land so far away?
Is there a place for you and me?
Will we feel our love again?

What can we do to be together?
Is there any chance?
Do we have to die for love or do we love to die?

and no for anyone out there who thinks it it's not me missing Seonaid I'm over that. I can't think of more to say but I'm going to keep going oh I know I'll rant about wrestling some more this whole paragraph wll be my favorite Cactus Jack interview ever I have to say to all of you non-wrestling fans out there I think you should read this, just to see wrestling interviews at it's finest. August 1995 -ECW Television Show transcript: " I'm going to take you back to a very deciding point in my life-a time when I believed in something. A time when I thought that my face and my name made a difference. Do you remember the night, Tommy Dreamer, because it's embedded in my skull, it's embedded in my heart, and it's embedded in every nightmare that I will ever have. As Terry Funk took a broken bottle and began slicing and dicing Cactus Jack, the pain was so much that I'll be honest with you Tommy. The pain was so much that I wanted to say I quit, Terry Funk, I give, I wave the flag, and I'm a coward- just please don't hurt me anymore. Then I saw my saving grace. You see, Tommy, I looked out in that audience, my adoring crowd, and I saw two simple words that changed my life. "Cane Dewey." Somebody had taken the time and the effort and the thought to make a sign that said, "Cane Dewey." and I saw other people around, as every moment in my life stopped and focused in on that sign and the pain that shot through my body became distant memory-replaced by a thought which will be embedded in my skull until my dying day! Cane Dewey. Cane Dewey. Dewey Foley is a three-year-old boy-you sick sons of bitches. You ripped out my heart, you ripped out my soul, you took everything I believed in and you fluhed it down the damn toilet. You flushed my heart-you flushed my soul- and now it sickens me to see other people making the same mistake. You see, Tommy Dreamer I have to listen to my little boy say everyday Daddy, I miss Georgia, and I say Thats too bad son, because your dad traded in the victorian house for a sweatbox on long island. Your Dad traded in a hundred-thousand dollar contract, guarateed, money, insurance, respect and the name on the dotted line of the greatest man in the world- to work for a scumbag who operates out of a little pissant pawn shop in Philadelphia. You don't expect me to be bitter? Tommy, when you open your heart, when you open you soul, and it gets shit on, it tends to make Jack a very mean boy. and so, I say to you- before I take these aggressions out on you, to look at your future and realize that the hardcore life is a lie, that these letters behind me are a blatant lie, that those fans who sit there and say "He's Hardcore He's Hardcore He's Hardcore", wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, you selfish son of a bitch! But, I want you to understand Tommy though he's hurt you time and time again, Raven wants you to understand that the hatred I have in here is not for you. No, no- far from it. You see, Tommy, I'm not doing this because I hate you- I love you, man! I only want the best for you--but when I hear that WCW called up your number and you said"no thank you"-- well, it makes my blood run cold. As cold as that night in the ECW arena. And so I got moral obligation-you see Tommy,I'm on the path of the righteousness and the righteous men wield a lot of power. So if I've got to drag you by your face to telephone and dial collect and say, " Hello Eric, it's me, Cactus, and though I know I've burned my bridge, and I'll never be taken back with open ams-I've got a wrestler who would glady trade in his ECW shirt for a pair of green suspenders." and Tommy, just think of that sound in your ear when Eric says, "Welcome home, Tommy Dreamer, welcome home.............. Now thats the shit that makes me watch wrestling powerful things like that that acutally bring out emotion. In his book Cactus Jack says after that interview his wife picked him up and he was covered in sweat and not saying anything at all he say it's one of the bes things he has ever done in wrestling.

anyway thats my post for today.


Not Adam -



Not Adam -


So it's time for a first post, First off let me hello my name is Adam and most of you who see this know me. My goal for this site or part of Ian's ite is to make it every bit as good as Ian's part of the site. I'm not going to let out too much personal shit on this site because of who reads it hopefully it will be read. My life is quite boring acutally so don't be suprised if posts get boring fast. Right now I am currently working a whole bunch and than either hanging with Ian and Dave this is my life. Pool or Movie and Dinner or something.

Now on to a new Paragraph the only good thing about working midnights is once I get home in the morning I am able to talk to Jolly Old Heather and Dani where if I was working days I would never be able to do this very fun thing. Now most of you know Heather as she lived in Winnipeg and moved to england to live with Eq(Equinox). But, Dani is another story she is a person I met on soulseek with the exact same taste in everything as I. So both of these people are quite fun to talk to. As far as work is concerned it is the best job I'd haved as of yet as I do basically nothing I sit, play gba and walk around maybe once in awhile get a super adenline boost as I have to deal with some psycho violent person. For those of you not in the loop I am a security guard at ST. Bontiface hospital in the city of winnipeg. Man Das Ich kickass I was listening too them and just thought I should throw that in. I wonder if I should use paragraphing here?? should when I change topic change paragraphs hmmmm seems like alot of work well why not

I am a huge fan of wrestling and plan to rant here about it here on occasion warning to all this paragraph will be about wrestling If you just want to skip to the next one you can. What the fuck is the WWE trying to do I mean seriously what the fuck is with the fucking the dead crap thats going on I mean they did not have to show a video of HHH dressed up as Kane fucking a "corpse" what shitty storyline writing. Another thing is the wrestling sucks crap as well it's not shitty story mixed with awesome matches no it's shitty story mixed with shitty matches which makes it shitty. For all you people out there who are still reading this and wondering fuck why is Adam a wrestling fan while here's the reason I hate storylines I really don't even really pay attention I really enjoy fucking awesome matches. Which is why my favorite promotion for ECW(out of business) and FMW(out of business). I own as many of either of those promotions videos and DvDs as possible just because I watch them over and over again speaking of which I sort of have a good wrestling craving now since it's been so long since I've seen any. I didn't catch the PPV(pay per-view) that happened just recently just because I am simply unwilling to spend 40 bucks on shit wrestling that will just make me angry. Although I will be ordering Survivor Series for the simple fact that it's fucking Survivor Series one of the best PPVs of the year. I just read the Spoilers for Smackdown!(taped results) and it seems they are pushinbg the Big Show for a title match against Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series what and awful awful match that will be I am quite unhappy with the current state of wrestling and it's at such a point now that I don't care about missing an episode. Also, I don't think I'm going to watch Raw anymore because of last nights show also because it's absolutely awful. The roster is just horrible compared to Smackdown! and the high draw proformers they have can't cut a good match worth shit. ahhhh it makes me quite angry.

So what others topics to talk oh yeah I am currently in a pretty hardcore mindfuck situation that I prefer not to talk about here but it exists and it's fucking my mind hard like a big penis in the hollowed eyesocket. hey I'm sorry if you want real content read Ian's site.

Nights are for dreamers like you and me
with my closed eyes I can see,
a big colour movie on a big bright screen
and this movie is a lovely dream

Ref: In my dream You are part of my heart … giving all my love…
In my dream welcome to my dreamland… walking hand in hand

Our lost thoughts come back in the night
we know and detect whats wrong or right
nights are for dreamers they can become true
I hope my next dream is just about you

Ref: In my dream You are in my vision… vision of our love…
In my dream you are part of my dream…give me all your love

Those are some girls under glass lyrics that I am currently quite enjoying it reminds me of people and things who and what I will not say on this site.

I hate the color of this site it is way too pinkish for my taste if Ian reads this please fix that if you can make it more of a desert sand red if you please. Another topic time

My night at work last night sucked the hairy goat nutsack as in badly I got to work without having slept for 32 hours ready to sit in an empty building and basically do nothing but, the guy I'm doing vacation relief for decides to come back from his vacation early so I get stuck in emerge the most busy place in the hospital and spent the whole night running around unlocking doors helping out ambulence techs and showing taxi drivers to the blood bank and I hate emerge cause you have to do so much. All I want to do is sit around doing nothing and get paid for but can I no!!!! just bitching for no real reason I still do very little and am told I am one of the best workers. I send most of my time sitting on the roof watching the sunrise which is beautiful from 8 storeys up I just wish I had someone to share it with.

I wish I had a lot of things to share with someone it's getting to the point where I don't wish for things like kissing, sexing etc. I just want a girl to hold and hold hands with and share things like great restaurtants and beutiful sunrises and sunsets wow I really am a girl at heart. But, I'm not looking because I'm moving and having a girlfriend would make that so much harder so I have no reason to need a girl right now.

For those of you who don't know I am planning on moving to B.C next year as to exact date I know not. But, I plan on going to school there hopefully I'll be able to get into Vancouver film school and just go from there. I can get a transfer from Inner-tec(the security company I work for) so I will have a job as soon as I get out there and I have a place to live with my uncle or aunt both are willing to let me live there. I decided to move after Seonaid and I broke up because I felt there was nothing here left for me anymore I wanted just to move away and try a new life with new friends etc. I will stay in touch with everyone here and visit regulary I just want to try something new jumpstart my life to something I really want instead of the daily same thing over and over again. So B.C should allow me to do that quite nicely a new start to my life.

Ever be in a situation you wouldn't change for the world but wish would be different I'm in a situation like that right now. anyway that is all I have say hope you enjoyed my first post let it end with I should have been gone


Not Adam -